I told you! You never believed me!

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Eureka Eureka !!

Guess what! I am posting my first blog.
And all 'coz of my dear friend who wanted me to signup so that I can write comments for blogs posted by my dear friend. Looks like writing blogs is also a very contagious disease.

I used to wonder what "IS" a blog?
So you can guess what I did... Yeah I typed in http://www.google.com/ and I searched for "Define Blog". And I did get a few definitions as in -
"Its a Web log." ,
"Its a web journal-thingy that you rant in..^_^;; uh yeah. That's what it is..I guess." ,
"this is how you enter a feedback",
"never heard about it, mate!"

Well I think I will stick to the Weblog definition till I make up one of my Own.. something like - By Large an Online Guide. But a guide to what? Keep visiting this page to find out more. ;-)

Arghhhhhh! There goes my beeper again! Somehow this beeper seems to love me so much that it always goes off at odd times whichever week I am on-call. So let me get back to my work and worry about this blog some other time.


  • Well my definition of a blog is Bandwidths Lost to an Ogre Grammarian!
    Good start! you might as well blog as you never jog!

    By Blogger Kumari, at 9:28 PM  

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