The Eagle and "him"
It was around lunch time and I was on a call with a business user. Suddenly a shadow loomed over me and cast its dark shadows on my computer screen. I turned around. It was Chunnu and he was blabbering something. I finished my call and kept the phone. When I turned to face Chunnu again, he was writing something on a sticky note.
It read - "The Eagle and Me".
I wondered was it a new book he is trying to tell me about or did he have some dream about his earlier birth :-D
I gave a quizzical look to Chunnu and he beamingly said -
7 days to see the prey? What was that?
"Menda.. guess what is the prey"....
hmmm.. what can you get in 7 days and what could be a prey for Chunnu?
All answers were turned down and he said -
I asked again - "Did you purchase tickets to Hawaii?" .. Answer was the same - "No. Go to".
I had forgotten that his dream was to be a proud owner of an American Express Credit Card. "You got an Amex Card?". And he beamed again -
I replied - "3%? Blue cash is 5% buddy!!.. You have applied for something else." Chunnu got confused and he ran to his computer. After 20 minutes he came back with a sad look on his face. I enquired what happened. And then he related his sorrow.
I could not help but burst into non-stop laughter..and I asked what happened to the Eagle? He replied -
It read - "The Eagle and Me".
I wondered was it a new book he is trying to tell me about or did he have some dream about his earlier birth :-D
I gave a quizzical look to Chunnu and he beamingly said -
"The Eagle and Me are alike. The Eagle watches it prey from very far off and then swoops down and catches it prey. I'm also like the eagle, give me 7 days, I'll show you my prey".
7 days to see the prey? What was that?
"Menda.. guess what is the prey"....
hmmm.. what can you get in 7 days and what could be a prey for Chunnu?
"Some software"? "Sony Product"? "His girlfriend is coming to USA"?
All answers were turned down and he said -
"Come to my place, I will show it to you on the internet".I asked him - "Show me here". He replied - "Its a one time webpage. I cant show it you".
I asked again - "Did you purchase tickets to Hawaii?" .. Answer was the same - "No. Go to".
I had forgotten that his dream was to be a proud owner of an American Express Credit Card. "You got an Amex Card?". And he beamed again -
"At last... after 3 rejections, I was like the eagle, I did not lose track of my prey. I got it at
last. I applied for Blue Cash with a balance transfer and it got APPROVED !!!! and I am getting 3% cash back I think."
I replied - "3%? Blue cash is 5% buddy!!.. You have applied for something else." Chunnu got confused and he ran to his computer. After 20 minutes he came back with a sad look on his face. I enquired what happened. And then he related his sorrow.
"I checked and it was not Blue Cash, but I was approved for Amex Blue. So I called up Customer Service and asked them to take a new application for Blue Cash. They told me that I can apply for either one and they would have to cancel Amex Blue if I wanted Blue Cash. So I agreed for cancelling Amex Blue and applied for Blue Cash. But Now the application got Rejected!!!!!"
I could not help but burst into non-stop laughter..and I asked what happened to the Eagle? He replied -
"I guess the eagle has to wait for the prey for some more time".
Welcome back Mandoo Confucius
Kumari, at 12:26 AM
Back? Was I ever in front? :p :p
Little Medusan, at 1:12 AM
No but your tummy is :p
Kumari, at 10:27 PM
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