I told you! You never believed me!

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Doctor Doctor!!

It was calm and quiet in the office. At my client site all employees had left early today. The only sound that could be heard was the humming of the "Sun" server in the cubicle in the next aisle. Suddenly the silence was broken by the sound of a phone ringing. It was my desk phone. I removed my earphones and picked up the receiver. "Hello, can you come home? I need to go to the doctor". It was Chaman and his throat was paining, probably tonsilitis.

I picked up my jacket, locked my workstation and headed out into the cold weather to my car.
I reached home to see Chaman engrossed in watching "Trinity" in Matrix Reloaded. Gosh! That movie is played at least 3 times a day everyday on this channel.

We went to the nearest Instacare center. The doctor examined Nitin and asked him - "What's the problem?".
Our hero - "I think it is tonsilitis".
Doctor - "Have you taken any medication in the past?"
Chaman - "Yes I have always taken Amoxycilin."
Doctor - "Very Well, I will prescribe the same". and he gave a prescription for amoxycilin 500mg tablets 2 times a day for 7 days.

Nitin came out of the inspection room and commented to me - "The doctors here are not at all confident. Doctors in India are so much better. These guys are so young. He gave me the same medicine I was searching for in the drugstore the other day, but they wouldn't give it to me without a prescription".
I said -"Now u have ur prescription.. Have fun! "
Nitin - " Lemme buy medicines for 20 days so that I never have to come back again !!".

Whew! All I could do was nod my head and take him to the nearest drugstore.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Double Tadka !!

Whew! Its Tuesday again, and the designated day for Chaman to cook. Before we left office he made it a point to remind me - "oye, I have to cook today. so u better take me to a grocery store."

We believe in the concept of cyclic cooking. Well it basically means, that one person cooks and all the others eat. So since we are six, each one has been assigned a day he has to churn out his culinary masterpieces while the remaining will just eat. And ya, saturday is an off day. None is responsible to cook that day, but u can always volunteer :-)

I left him to his means while I went to the nearby DVD rental store to exchange the two old titles for new ones. I met a beaming Chaman in the grocery store as he said - "I have taken all vegetables, what do you want to eat today". My reply - "something edible". He looked at me for sometime as if I was an alien from a far off galaxy and then shrugged it off. "Yaar, why does Tuesday come so quickly".

Two hours later, the doorbell rang. It was our very own Chef-du-jour with a pressure cooker in his hand and announced - "Daal is ready". On asking him what with that he gave me a puzzled look and cool-ly answered - "Why, rice... what else?". "U mean, just rice and daal" - I shot back. To that he replied - "Todays daal is special, its Double Tadka Daal". Ewww!!!! Now what in the lord's name is a DTD(Double Tadka Daal) ?

Looking at my expression he relucatantly agreed to make some side dish. Imagine my horror when I checked back after 30 minutes to see a plate of scrambled eggs (probably 4 eggs for 6 people).

This is laziness at its heights.. not only am I (we ?) tolerating this, but we are not doing anything to rescue ourselves from the dinner@debacle.com that happens most of the time. And to think that these cooks are the same married-bachelors who used to cook reasonably well before they got married. If you comment something on the food, back comes a retort - "be thankful my wife is not cooking.. at least you are able to eat this".

God bless us all. and yes, "Why does Tuesday come so quickly?"

Eureka Eureka !!

Guess what! I am posting my first blog.
And all 'coz of my dear friend who wanted me to signup so that I can write comments for blogs posted by my dear friend. Looks like writing blogs is also a very contagious disease.

I used to wonder what "IS" a blog?
So you can guess what I did... Yeah I typed in http://www.google.com/ and I searched for "Define Blog". And I did get a few definitions as in -
"Its a Web log." ,
"Its a web journal-thingy that you rant in..^_^;; uh yeah. That's what it is..I guess." ,
"this is how you enter a feedback",
"never heard about it, mate!"

Well I think I will stick to the Weblog definition till I make up one of my Own.. something like - By Large an Online Guide. But a guide to what? Keep visiting this page to find out more. ;-)

Arghhhhhh! There goes my beeper again! Somehow this beeper seems to love me so much that it always goes off at odd times whichever week I am on-call. So let me get back to my work and worry about this blog some other time.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Kindly Adjust !!

The purpose of this blog was to be able to write comments on other blogs. Any resemblance of the comments to any person is purely Intentional. So Kindly Adjust !